The Research Leaders Network (RLN)

The impetus for an Australian and New Zealand RLN was driven by key international and national work including the WHO Decade of Action on Nutrition, the evolving Decadal Plan for Nutrition in Australia and the Future of Dietetics research in the UK.

The Research Leaders Network (RLN) is governed by a Research Leaders Network Steering Group (RLNSG) and grew from collegiate and informal meetings of key Australian nutrition and dietetics research leaders during 2017.

Goals of the Research Leadership Network


Provide strategic direction and influence the agenda for Nutrition and Dietetics research priorities with achievable goals for the next 2, 5 and 10 years.


Ensure Nutrition and Dietetics-related research has the prominence it deserves and is being led by appropriately credentialed people, given the attributable disease burden caused by poor diet.


Lobby more effectively for allocated funding for Nutrition and Dietetics research using a common voice for agreed goals. 


Promote and support N&D research goals and methodologies to other peak bodies, government and industry.

Capacity Building

Support the next generation N&D researchers in their career development and long term research pathways for PhD students and post-docs.

Join the Research Leaders Network

Leaders in nutrition and dietetics research are invited to self-nominate to join the Council's Research Leaders Network. Simply submit the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

Membership Criteria

Network membership will represent relevant members of the Council of Deans of Nutrition and Dietetics as well as research leaders in nutrition and dietetics from esteemed health research institutions and organisations.

Membership of the Network will be based on Nutritionists and Dietitians with a proven expertise and success in research funding and publication output by nomination of Council or Network members.

This includes:

  • Fellows of Learned Nutrition/Dietetics Societies and Organisations

  • Fellows or former Fellows funded via competitive National Awards

  • Level D & E academics with a strong continuous track record in research output including competitive funding

  • Nutrition or Dietetics Researchers with a strong continuous track record in research output, particularly competitive funding.

The RLNSG may invite co-opted members aligned to the purpose and values of the Network into the RLNSG by being nominated by 2 members of the RLNSG. By definition, delegation is not allowed as the RLNSG is based on individual merit.

For more information, review the Terms of Reference.