Avoid misinformation during COVID-19: Follow food & nutrition science experts

We face unprecedented times with the global health crisis of COVID-19. We are all seeking to understand what we can do for our communities, our families and ourselves. Many people are looking for advice from food and nutrition professionals right now.

The voice of qualified experts in food and nutrition science has been to discourage panic buying, and to plan and shop sensibly. This includes using evidence-based nutrition information on what foods to keep on hand when people are unwell or isolating. Advice from qualified experts on the relationship between nutrition and the immune system and from the Food Standards Australia and New Zealand authority on food safety is also available. Australians can now also access an Accredited Practising Dietitian for bulk billed Medicare services through telehealth and phone consultations.

When it comes to food and nutrition, we know diet is a key factor in health status. However, we know that before COVID-19 food insecurity was already a concern in Australia. Therefore, the Commonwealth Government’s economic support payment in response to COVID-19 for existing payment recipients and concession card holders was positive policy action towards addressing food security for the most vulnerable. Going forward governments, businesses and civil society must think about food access and the wider food system.

A useful resource to inform our work as dietitian-nutritionists, includes the series of blogs from the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition which will be covering the news and resources related to the risks, responses and impact of COVID- 19 on food systems and nutrition.

If you are able, we also suggest that now is the time to make monetary donations to a welfare or charity organisation which can offer critical food and aid support to people most in need. Also do not forget to consider how you might help a vulnerable neighbour to ensure their food security during this difficult time.


For further information or to organise an interview:

Professor Eleanor Beck

University of Wollongong
Chair, Council of Deans of Nutrition and Dietetics
0408 266 832

Professor Danielle Gallegos

Queensland University of Technology
Council of Deans of Nutrition and Dietetics
0409 681 807


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Fake News and Nutrition Charlatans